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Kindling Faith: An Evening with Rev. Franklin Morales

Nov. 20, 2022 7:00PM

An ELCA Pastor shares a journey of Personal and spiritual transformation

Pastor Franklin Morales was born in Venezuela and is a former Catholic priest. He did his philosophical studies in Venezuela, his theological studies in Rome, and a one-year internship in Central America, where he had first-hand contact with the realities of poverty, criminal gangs, inequality, and hunger that force many of our Central American brothers and sisters to emigrate from their countries of origin looking for a better future for themselves and their families.

Pastor Franklin discovered in Lutheran theology a gospel that seeks liberation and equality for all people without distinction through ways of justice and peace, where the relationship with God through prayer is manifested in service to the neediest and with creation.

He has a fascinating story culminating in marriage, moving to the United States, and becoming an ELCA Pastor in the Metro DC Synod. Join us to hear his wonderful story. Via Zoom $10



Martin Otto-Zimmann