
ULS is committed to maintaining an environment conducive to learning for all students and a professional workplace free from harassment, discrimination and retaliation for its employees.

Open and honest communication is critical to our mission. It is important for everyone in the ULS community to understand the laws, rules and policies that apply to their conduct. It is equally important to know that your concerns and questions will be answered openly and resolved fairly.

The Seminary’s Campus Conduct Hotline, managed through Syntrio Lighthouse, is available to report questionable or unethical behavior, sexual misconduct, harassment or any other unsafe condition.  

By telephone: 866-943-5787

Title IX reporting information

File a report online

Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Students and Minors Policy (PDF)

Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Policy (PDF)

The Clery Act: ULS Campus Safety Reports

2022-23 Audit